Regular expression notation by Danny Goodman <JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook>
Character Matches Example
\b Word boundary /\bto/ matches "tomorrow" /to\b/ matches "Soweto" /\bto\b/ matches "to"\B Word nonboundary /\Bto/ matches "stool" and "Soweto" /to\B/ matches "stool" and "tomorrow" /\Bto\B/ matches "stool"\d Numeral 0 through 9 /\d\d/ mathces "42"\D Nonnumeral /\D\D/ mathes "to"\s Single whitespace /under\sdog/ matches "under dog"\S Single nowwhitespace /under\Sdog/ matches "under-dog"\w Letter,numeral,or underscore /1\w/ matches "1A"\W Not a letter,numeral,or undersore /1\W/ matches "1%". Any character except a newline /../ matches "Z3"[...] any one of the character set in brackets /J[aeiou]y/ matches "Joy"[^...] Negated characted set /J[^eiou]y/ matches "Jay"* Zero or more times /\d*/ matches "","5", or"444"? Zero or one time /\d?/ matches "" or "5"+ One or more times /\d+/ matches "5" or "444"{n} Exactly n times /\d{2}/ matches "55"{n,} n or more times /\d{2,}/ matches "555"{n,m} at least n, at most m times /\d{2,4}/ matches "5555"^ at beginning of a string or line /^Sally/ matches "Sally says..."$ at end of a string or line /Sally.$/ matches "hi,Sally."